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Profile:   Roger Weller


Managing director of Polysupport AG (since 2011)

Career and Expertise

After completion of his apprenticeship in 1985, Roger Weller continued to work as a qualified vehicle body builder. In 1990, he entered the field of computer science. From 1990 to 1995, Roger Weller was an operator - and from 1995 to 1999, a programmer and First Level Supporter in the data center of Eternit AG in Niederurnen. At the end of 1999, Roger Weller changed to the IT Department of the UBS CardCenter AG in Glattbrugg where he worked as an IT-Test Operations group leader until 1994, and as an IT Applications Coordinator and IT-OS Operations group leader in charge from 1995 to 2010. Since January 2011, he is managing director of the Polysupport AG real estate administration company.


From 1981 to 1985, Roger Weller completed an apprenticeship as a vehicle body builder with a diploma at Carrosserie Senn Altendorf. From 1989 to 1991, he began his continuing vocational education by attending the H.B.S. school for commerce and English in Rapperswil. From 1995 to 2005, Roger Weller attended courses in rhetoric and advanced IT, and leadership training programs as well as advanced seminars until 2010.

Business Address

Polysupport AG
Allmendstrasse 140
CH-8027 Zürich

Phone:   +41 (0)44 488 21 59
Mobile:  +41 (0)79 219 84 33


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